Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Evolution Night

Soooo guess what? Evo night's coming up. :D WHOOOOOOOOPP WHOOOPPPP! :D

So basically, word on the street is that, each category in our oh so dear computer club has their own well.. basic supply entertainment, or some crud like that. :] Upper sec's gonna have, 3D games and ps3 games, if I'm not mistaken. Computer club B's doing uhm.. ONLINE GAMES. OUR VERY OWN CC. Ohh yeah ;] And our computer club , COMPUTER CLUB A's, doing *DUM DUM DUMMMMMMMMMMMMMM* WII GAMES ANDDD SONG DADDYCATIONS *echoes* tions-tions-tions :3
Daffy: it's spelt DEDIcations -.-
Manda: I don't care, it's cooler this way.
Daffy: LIES.

Oh and guess who's the DJ? :D You'll find out when you come DADDYCATE SONGS :D
Daffy: DEDIcate. Godd.
Manda: Daddycate God? ._.
Daffy: Shut up. :]

WE LOVE THE WORLD! [Yess, Manda's a real weird -coughs- prick :]]
Manda: *rolls eyes*
Daffy: You like it.
Manda: *rolls eyes again*
Daffy: I''m weird like that -shrugs- :D
Manda: *rolls eyes again*
Daffy: -pokes manda's eyes out- There, all better :]

So come dedicate song to your friend, teachers, boyfriends, girlfriends, dogs, cats, dinosaurs, plumbers, WE DON'T CARE. :]
Anonymous: I want to dedicate this song to my electrician. BABY BABY BABY OHHH. ;]
Yeah, sorry, we don't supply songs that tilt towards human extinction ;]
Anonymous: Wha-? :S

SO COME ONE COME ALL. NO seriously, come all. :] To our dear, EVO NIGHT. :D

BROUGHT TO YOU BY, DAFFY DEW AND MANDA POKO PANTS. ;D Don't tell her I said that. Well you can't cos.. YOU DON'T KNOW HER ;D

Manda Poko Pants, M size ;]

Below are some of the evo-nite meeting pictures:

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