Friday, May 7, 2010

PC Fair Memories.

Okay, before we start this post, We want to get something straight. It's MANDA. NOT MANDY. (:

okay soo... What was this post about again?
Manda: I don't know
Daffy: Me neither.
Manda: I don't know
Daffy: What the heck we doing here then?
Manda: It's about the thing we didn't go for *snaps fingers consistently, trying to remember*
Daffy: Eenie meenie Minie Mo, catch a monkey by it's nose.
Manda: WHAT?!
Daffy: I don't know.
Manda: Nevermind, you start talking about the PC Fair trip while I sit here and wait, then we'll go back to class!
Daffy: Oh okay..

Well then, since Manda's being a lazy twat, we shall start talking about the legendary PC Fair (Which.. We didn't go for.) :l
Manda: I AM SO NOT A TWAEAT OR TWAT, ugh, whatever it is!
Daffy: Just chill, relax. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in... AND HOLD. :3
Manda: It doesn't work la! Ask Mdm, she's on my side!
Daffy: Don't bring her little chubby dog into this.

Okay, forget this. Uhm, the fair. Right. Manda, wanna start?
Manda: I said you talk i wait.
Daffy: But that ain't fair. You being racist?

(By the way, Daffy is typing this whole thing, so I'm not involved in this!)
Aiyo, forget her. Anyway, we had a blast. Someone got left behind but that's not interesting (: We still love you person who got left behind. Don't be offended kay? (:
We walked around town like elephants, stomping and marching. Making the ground vibrate as we move along. (Not town actually. Just LRT. Someone told us faulty facts. *cough, cough* Jer Weann, you lazy pig *cough*)
We just walked and walked. We got free things from free people. It was quite hot. Not really. VERY hot. too many people, velly velly hot la (:
We lost track of time and lost track of someone.
unfortunately.... We... FOUND him. (OMG Manda, you're so lame) :l
Manda said the last line. I was being a good slave and following her orders. (Tarendran wanted the word slave in our post. I didn't want him to do anything terrible or continue talking.)

Anyway, we had a blast. That's it (:
TADA. Shoo. Stop viewing our blogs.

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