Friday, May 14, 2010

Windows Movie Maker

Part 2 of Firewall Race - Michelle, our vice president took some pictures and we were to create a video out of the pictures.

We were divided into groups of two to work on the race together.

Friday, May 7, 2010

PC Fair Memories.

Okay, before we start this post, We want to get something straight. It's MANDA. NOT MANDY. (:

okay soo... What was this post about again?
Manda: I don't know
Daffy: Me neither.
Manda: I don't know
Daffy: What the heck we doing here then?
Manda: It's about the thing we didn't go for *snaps fingers consistently, trying to remember*
Daffy: Eenie meenie Minie Mo, catch a monkey by it's nose.
Manda: WHAT?!
Daffy: I don't know.
Manda: Nevermind, you start talking about the PC Fair trip while I sit here and wait, then we'll go back to class!
Daffy: Oh okay..

Well then, since Manda's being a lazy twat, we shall start talking about the legendary PC Fair (Which.. We didn't go for.) :l
Manda: I AM SO NOT A TWAEAT OR TWAT, ugh, whatever it is!
Daffy: Just chill, relax. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in... AND HOLD. :3
Manda: It doesn't work la! Ask Mdm, she's on my side!
Daffy: Don't bring her little chubby dog into this.

Okay, forget this. Uhm, the fair. Right. Manda, wanna start?
Manda: I said you talk i wait.
Daffy: But that ain't fair. You being racist?

(By the way, Daffy is typing this whole thing, so I'm not involved in this!)
Aiyo, forget her. Anyway, we had a blast. Someone got left behind but that's not interesting (: We still love you person who got left behind. Don't be offended kay? (:
We walked around town like elephants, stomping and marching. Making the ground vibrate as we move along. (Not town actually. Just LRT. Someone told us faulty facts. *cough, cough* Jer Weann, you lazy pig *cough*)
We just walked and walked. We got free things from free people. It was quite hot. Not really. VERY hot. too many people, velly velly hot la (:
We lost track of time and lost track of someone.
unfortunately.... We... FOUND him. (OMG Manda, you're so lame) :l
Manda said the last line. I was being a good slave and following her orders. (Tarendran wanted the word slave in our post. I didn't want him to do anything terrible or continue talking.)

Anyway, we had a blast. That's it (:
TADA. Shoo. Stop viewing our blogs.