Thursday, February 11, 2010

Plan for the Year

Hey guys, to you, we're all computer nerds, but to us, we call it genuinely educated people xD

Since we're nerds to you guys, we have loads of plans for the year. Interesting ones. Be jealous, people!! Be very jealous!!! :)

First up, we have a creating a greeting card or bookmark competition. And guess what? We have prizez, COOL prizes F.Y.I. We will be doing that for as long as 2 weeks. The greeting cards or bookmarks are made for the teachers and are to be given on their birthdays. Awesome right?

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! :B

Secondly, we shall be thrilled by the amazing thrills of the thrilling Amazing Computer Race.
( We feel so British. :D)
We will be running around, searching for stations to get clues. However, there is a catch. We will need to do something (possibly something terribly embarrassing) to get that specific clue. If we fail, there will be extra embarrassment. :) FEEL THE PAIN, PEOPLE!
Thirdly, videos will be made. (: By our very own Computer Club members, of course. Students will have to make their own videos according to the titles given by our very own, Dear Madam Shamini. *Dramatic music sounds*

Fourthly, (I think. Kinda lost count.) the WII CONSOLE will be shipped in and all of us will have a turn to play games of different kinds. :) (Unless someone hogs the WII remote) WII are gonna have lots of fun with the WII. Weeeeeee :D

We will post another one soon to update this blog. Better come see or we will.. we will... Complaint to President Obama D:

Computer VS Homosapien

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Comp Club BLOG

We, the members of Computer Club Wesley Methodist School.....

Are not going to do it like this. Thank God...

Well, we go by the names Mandy and Daffy. (real names shall not be revealed for "personal reasons") :3

We have our meetings in Computer lab 2, block B.

Many people think that Computer club members are nerds. Well, that is partially true. Got a problem with that? State your name and we shall discuss with our computer skills. :)

The president of the united Computer Club Lab 2, is, DHUM DHUM DHUM!! Brandon Kwong and his lovely vice president, Michelle Wong!

The secretary of Computer Club is Madamoiselle Jer Weann and her loyal(love to ask questions) assistant, Tarendran Vivekananda (Hard to spell) ._.

The treasurer of this LOVELY Club ( She guards the Tresure Chest with her sharp knife and portable anger x)) is.. *Drum Roll again, please* Madame Amanda Tan :) and her chirpy assistant, Chong Kher Minh!!

Form 1 Representative, the noisy Edward Puah.
Form 2 Representative, the quiet Kau Hau Jian.
Form 3 Representative, the amazing Daphne Suresh. ( Daffy : I never agreed to this. ._.)

The brains behind the Notice Board beautifulness-ish is Shaneal Diiren. (Notice Board Representative)

That's all for this week. We shall be back to update it every week. :) So long!! Zhank Ku :D (If you know what that means) :):)